Friday, May 10, 2013

Let It Go!!

What do you do when everyone seems to be causing you grief?  They are talking trash about you, your family and your friends. Maybe its your family talking the trash about everyone you care about.

No matter who is doing the talking or all makes you put up walls that keep you from forgiving others. Or even live with a desire to get you revenge.

How do you get over the hurts and the desires to get even?  You have to "Let It Go"!   Yeah right! Easier said than done. True.  But it can be done and there is only one person who can make it happen...that is you!

There is guy that I have read over the last 30 years; and he as some great insight on how to move past the revenge factor and find peace for your heart. So over the next couple of weeks I will be sharing what I am learning about how to Let It Go.

First thing in letting go of our hurts is giving it to God.  I know, many of you are saying, "Oh no, another religious nut"!  Maybe...but the advice is still good.  When we are trapped in the anger of hurt or the grip of revenge all we think about is the personal pain that was done to us.  So if we are going to move past it...who is going to make the first move. YOU!

This guy that I was talking about said, "don't trade evil for evil, but overcome evil with good".  So don't worry about getting even...because all that does is create a cycle of evil that never ends and it never confronts the real problem...your pain!  Instead, do what it takes allow God to heal your hurt and take care of the pain that has been eating you up on the inside.

For this to happen you have to take a step of faith. Believing that God cares about you and wants the best for your life. You might have a different view of  God than I do and that is okay...but the God I believe in is the one who knows your hurts and pains and want to heal them.

If you have been dealing with unforgiveness and the revenge attitude it is time to try something new.  The guy I read also says, "cast all your cares on God because He loves you". So, try it. Start your conversation with Him today. 

More next week...